Botanical Empress
cbg and cbd

CBG vs CBD: What’s the Difference?

By now, most people have heard of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) and their effects. 

Did you know that cannabis contains over 480 different chemical compounds in the cannabis plant other than THC and CBD?

Well, there is, and today I hope to help you understand a lesser-known cannabinoid called cannabigerol (CBG).

Even though CBG is not present in large quantities in most strains, it is still worth learning about.

While CBD oil is more popular, CBG oil still has some fantastic benefits worth exploring.

What is CBG?

Cannabigerol is often called the “mother cannabinoid,” making CBG the CBD and THC parent substance. 

Both substances start as CBG, but in the growth process, they turn into THC and CBD. 

CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is typically screened for in potency tests for minor cannabinoid concentrations.

Cannabigerol typically registers in only trace amounts naturally occurring within the hemp plant as most CBGa converts into THC and CBD (THCa or CBDa) upon plant maturation.

CBG is a minor cannabinoid because it is present in low concentrations (usually less than 1%) in the majority of cannabis strains.

Breeders are experimenting with genetic manipulation and plant cross-breeding to increase CBG yields.

Like CBD, CBG does not have any psychoactive effects. In addition, it doesn’t interfere with the nervous system, so you will not get a “high” feeling from it.

What are the benefits of CBG oil?

CBG interferes with THC, and it can help reverse some of the effects from smoking too much THC.

CBG may add more profound relief and help guide CBD and other cannabinoids around the receptors to help them work more efficiently and for more extended periods.

CBG has been found to act on particular physiological systems and problems like: (The following information is obtained from

  • CBG is thought to be particularly effective in treating glaucoma because it reduces intraocular pressure. In addition, it is a potent vasodilator and has neuroprotective effects to boot.
  • CBG was found to be effective in decreasing the inflammation characteristic of inflammatory bowel disease.
  • In a recent 2015 study, CBG was shown to protect neurons in mice with Huntington’s disease, characterized by nerve cell degeneration in the brain.
  • CBG was shown to block receptors that cause cancer cell growth. One such study was conducted to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells in mice, thereby slowing colon cancer growth. In addition, CBG inhibited tumors and chemically-induced colon carcinogenesis, therefore demonstrating a fascinating possibility for a cure for colorectal cancer.
  • European research shows evidence that CBG is an effective antibacterial agent, particularly against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) microbial strains resistant to several classes of drugs.
  • In a recent 2017 study, researchers showed that a form of CBG purified to remove delta-9 THC was a very effective appetite stimulant in rats. This may lead to a non-psychotropic therapeutic option for cachexia, muscle wasting, and severe weight loss seen in late-stage cancer and other diseases.
  • In a study that looked at the effects of five different cannabinoids on bladder contractions, CBG tested best at inhibiting muscle contractions, so it may be a future tool in preventing bladder dysfunction disorders.

How is CBG different from CBD?

Here are the fundamental differences between CBD vs. CBG as stated on 

  • Molecular structure – CBD and CBG have different chemical makeup, and they interact differently with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. 
  • Pharmacology – CBD and CBG use different mechanisms for interacting with the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor. CBD activates it while CBG is blocked. Therefore, potentially CBG could dampen CBD’s anti-nausea effects.
  • Effects on appetite – A study on rats treated with CBG found that the cannabinoid increased food intake. In another study, CBD didn’t cause any changes in eating patterns, but CBD considerably reduced the total amount of food consumed.

Scientists are excited about initial CBG results and promote future research with CBG alone or CBG in combination with other cannabinoids and therapies to treat multiple disorders.

While further medical research is needed to prove the benefits of using CBG oil completely, the findings are looking very promising and beneficial from different aspects.

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